Free Stress Audit

I help smart high achievers Stress LESS.

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Are you a smart high achiever who secretly struggles with chronic stress and anxiety?

I get it - and I can help. 

Let's Get Started

I help smart high achievers Stress LESS.

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Are you a smart high achiever who secretly struggles with chronic stress and anxiety?

I get it - and I can help. 
Let's Get Started

You're smart, successful, and love to learn and grow.

You have a degree (or three), a good job title, decent income, and lots of accomplishments.

You feel AMAZING when you're doing things that light you up - like finding interesting problems to solve, doing work that's fulfilling, and feeling like you're living your potential.

(Like a badass superhero, am I right?)

But there's a problem:

 You don't FEEL successful.

Instead of feeling accomplished and fulfilled, you're anxious, stressed out, and overwhelmed.

◆ You secretly think, "I should be handling this better" - and wonder if there's something wrong with you.

◆ You don't sleep well and wake up each morning feeling stressed out - and end the day feeling the same way.

◆ You're afraid to tell others you're overwhelmed - because they'll judge you as inept or as not having your s**t together.

Good news:

There's nothing wrong with YOU.


Society's unrealistic expectations that you should be able to do EVERYTHING.

professional woman smiling with six arms holding a phone, tablet, alarm clock, calculator, paper calendar planner, and an iron as she irons. It says, “How ELSE may I help you?”

You DESERVE to have a life you feel good about - WITHOUT feeling that you're not doing "enough."
Let's Get Started
Susie smiling and standing on a rooftop in Durham NC in front of the Lucky Strike Tower

I get it - and I'm here to help.

I’m Susie Castellanos Hansley, Ph.D., and I'm a Master Certified Life Coach.

At one point in my life after a grueling Ph.D. program and academic career, I was feeling stressed out, overwhelmed, anxious, and wondering if I was good enough.

The only model I had for success was to work HARDER - but that left me burned out.

Then, I learned about the science of stress - and it changed EVERYTHING for me.

Now that I understand how to work WITH my stress, I feel as good on the inside as I look on the outside! 

I can help you do the same - so you can create the fulfilling career, relationships, and life you want while feeling GREAT doing it!

Let's Get Started

"Susie taught me how to keep bringing my A-game to life while toning down my perfectionism and hyper-independence."

My work and family life feel more balanced - and I'm accomplishing MORE with less stress!

Samantha Fortner
Senior Technical Lead, Google

Let's Get Started

Imagine your life if you could…

★ Eliminate UNNEEDED stress - so you stop tossing and turning at night and wake up RESTED and ENERGIZED.

Say NO to things you don't want to do - WITHOUT the crippling guilt of letting yourself (or others) down.

★ STOP working when you say you will - and ENJOY your off time.

★ Feel PRODUCTIVE and FULFILLED - EVERY single day. 

I've helped scores of smart, high achievers like you - and I can help YOU, too.
Let's Get Started

If you’re anything like those I’ve helped achieve this transformation, you WILL feel…

★ PROUD – because you're NAILING it!

★ CALM – because at the end of the day, you know it's all HANDLED.

★ EXCITED – because by saying NO to what you don't want, you get to do what LIGHTS YOU UP.

★ EMPOWERED – because YOU’RE in control of your time, relationships, and decisions - no matter WHAT is happening.

Let's Get Started

"I've gotten so much control and freedom from working with Susie." 

I’m much less stressed while accomplishing MORE of what I want in the process: time with my family, taking care of my health, AND being a leader in my industry.

Lorena Cordero
President, Crosby and Associates

Let's Get Started

Here's how to get started:

Sign up below for your free, no obligation Stress Audit Call.

During your personalized 50-minute Stress Audit, you'll:

1) Get clarity about your unique stressors. Every situation is different, and we'll focus on what matters most to you.

2) Learn where you have more control than you think in your specific circumstances. 

3) Leave with a tailored tip you can implement IMMEDIATELY to reduce your stress.

You'll feel supported and understood every step of the way.


We only have one life. 

We all deserve to live our potential and achieve our goals - while living a life we love.

If this is what you're looking for, I'm ready to help you.

Let's Get Started